Back in Town

(1982 - 2000)

Christmas in the early 90s. Marvel is preparing the gifts in the basement of her Remsen, Iowa home.

“Christmas...Mom's favorite time of the year.” ~ Mary (Pick) Wagner

Elmer and Marvel celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary on September 13, 1995

This picture was taken at their Remsen home by daughter, Joanie.

Polaroid taken by daughter, Kathy, at family dinner celebration.

Christmas 1995 was celebrated at daughter, Barbara’s home in LeMars, Iowa.

Elmer proudly wears his Jim’s Barber Shop hat from son-in-law, Jim Wagner (husband to oldest Pick child, Mary)

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Marvel’s sister-in-law, Mary Hahn (wife to Bob), wrote this lovely piece on Marvel after her passing. Mary was a frequent contributor to The Chronicle and an accomplished writer.

Published in The Chronicle 12/7/2000

The public auction of Elmer and Marvel’s home and personal items was April 28, 2001.