Raising the Kids in Town

(1946 - 1960)

Elmer and Marvel

Elmer and Marvel

The years in town have often been compared to the Norman Rockwell small town depictions in his famously loved artwork.

Christmas of 1956

Photo of the eight Pick kids (Kathy wasn’t born yet)

“David is wearing Dad's tie. I had a cold sore on my lip. Joan & Barbara were wearing nylon dresses, the latest fashion trend.” Mary (Pick) Wagner

Connie (Pick) Wanderscheid

1st Holy Communion - December 3, 1958

“The dress was made of nylon and stuck out all on its own…no need for any kind of petticoat underneath.” Mary (Pick) Wagner

“Dad, David & Dennis weren't present for the 1959 photos. It was Christmas Eve. No doubt Dad was out on calls; why David and Dennis are MIA is a mystery. 

1959 Christmas was the year we rec'd the blond wood finish RCA stereo. And our basement was HEATED! Note the cast-iron steam-heated radiator on Barbara's left.”

~ Mary (Pick) Wagner